Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Paper Shredder as a Pasta Machine ?

How to Use a Paper Shredder as a Pasta Machine - wikiHow: "How to Use a Paper Shredder as a Pasta Machine
While you shouldn't try this to make a meal you will eat, it is entertaining to use your paper shredder as a pasta machine. Believe it or not, the first manufactured paper shredder design was inspired by a hand-crank pasta maker. Even though shredders have come a long way, they can still be used to perform the same function as their pasta-making cousin. If you've got an old shredder lying around or you've got top-secret, incriminating information printed on a pasta sheet, it might be useful (and fun) to explore the multi-functionality of your shredder and get some linguine out of it at the same time. "

Some people have more time on their hands than me.

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